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You probably clicked on this headline hoping I have the magic cure! First and foremost, headaches can be caused by several factors. Like everything in healthcare, seldom is there a one stop shop for this. Without going into every single type of headache, let’s review some common factors to help you determine the right avenue for you. .

“Have you had this headache before?” is an important question to ask. One red flag for any provider is a new type of headache unlike anything the patient has experienced. Was there a major trauma? Such as a fall or car accident? Did the patient lose consciousness? Is the headache causing vomiting? Did a fever spike? How is the blood pressure? These patients might best be suited to visit with their MD first or even the emergency room. Having been a chiropractor for over a decade, most patients can sense when something is drastically out of the ordinary and the situation is frightening.

Other questions/factors to consider are: Have you had a change in medications recently? Is there something new in your environment such as a chemical or climate (allergies)? When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Are you staring at a computer too much? Are the headaches from a sinus infection?

In my office, the patients that see the most relief are those that present with a headache that seems to start at the top of their neck or base of the skull and wraps around – sometimes to the forehead. These tension type headaches have a high success rate with chiropractic. The intensity of the headache seldom matters and very few if any orthopedic tests are helpful. In my experience, these headaches resolve rather quickly (less than 30 days) but can easily be triggered to return. It is quite common for patients to recognize these types of headaches and often times, if they can get adjusted when it first appears, the headache goes away that day or next. The most common source for these headache is stress. The next common is posture. So the cure is easy, right? Just remove all stress and sit up straight, right? (you just sat up, didn’t you?) For those of you where it’s not that easy, our door is always open.

Another over looked cause is diet. Society is moving faster and faster and food intake is more and more unhealthy. This is much more difficult to adapt and change to. And let’s face it, a healthier diet improves all aspects of life.

Imaging may be needed, but seldom is needed immediately. Another situation that is quite common in my office is patients that have had multiple types of imaging, seen many different types of providers, and as a last resort, decide to try chiropractic.

Lastly, early in my career, I was told “You don’t have a headache due to a lack of medication.” I confidently shared this with patients who had fought headaches for years. Over the years I have learned that for some people, a certain type of medication is the only thing that will take the edge off. However, please consider this a last resort. Explore and investigate other options before doing this. It isn’t easy, but a lifetime of daily medications isn’t healthy. As always, I’m happy to visit with you and point you in the right direction! Your health is important to us.

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