Services & Techniques

Believe it or not, there is a right way to get out of bed, and many wrong ways…

Hopefully, you have received 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep in the horizontal position (even if you haven’t, this still applies). It is important to remember that the spine has not been compressed for this amount of time.  Muscles that support the spine should be relaxed, so one of the worst things you can do is sit straight up.  When you do this, you ask your hip flexors to go from no work to a lot of work almost instantly.  This can strain both the muscles and the low back. 

The better alternative?  Roll to your side facing the edge of the bed.  From this position, kick both legs forward off the edge of the bed.  Next, use your top arm to push down on the bed, raising your torso.  You will be able to raise yourself much more slowly, easing the weight onto your spine. 

It seems that in the business and chaos of our lives, we are always hustling to start our day.  By making a conscious effort to properly start your day, you will be much less likely to injure yourself – especially your low back. 

Still have questions?  Check out the video we recently did on our social media pages on Facebook or Instagram to see this explanation in action.  Even better, swing into our office and Dr. Nelson will go over it with you!

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