Services & Techniques

Actually, 3 types of stress cause all your problems; and not all stress is bad.  For example, stressing your muscles in the gym or on a run, if done properly, should stress your body in such a way that positive results can occur.  The following are not positive stresses, and more so your typical negative stresses that we face.

  • Severe Mechanical Stress:  This is usually pretty obvious but not always.  A fall, car accident, or lifting too much or improperly could all be the culprit.  It could be a break, dislocation, or sprain/strain.  More times then not, the soft tissues have been damaged.  These seldom show up on X-rays and not always on a MRI.  When this happens, you usually know EXACTLY when you did it.  Sometimes you need an emergency room, sometimes rest, or sometimes another health care provider such as an acupuncturist, massage therapist, physical therapist, or chiropractor.
  • Less Obvious Mechanical Stress:  Most often this involves poor posture.  (You just sat up didn’t you?)  Sitting in front of a computer, steering wheel, or anything else for too long with poor posture is usually the culprit.  We simply aren’t designed to sit for long periods on end.  We are designed to move.  There is a reason they call sitting the new smoking.
  • Severe Chemical Stress:  The quickest example?  Meth.  We all know what meth does to a person’s health.  Or arsenic – that might be a much quicker example.
  • Less Obvious Chemical Stress:  Diet Coke.  Fried Foods.  SAD – the Standard American Diet.
  • Extreme Emotional Stress:  Divorce.  Loss of a child or loved one.
  • Less Obvious Emotional Stress: An unexpected bill in the mail.  Someone cuts you off in traffic. 


Lastly, between all these examples, a large grey zone exists; every day we all face all 3.  Sometimes it is easy to see and understand, and other times it isn’t so obvious.  Obviously, how we treat and adapt to these stress varies and can change.  Maybe you need more sleep?  Maybe you need stitches?  Maybe you need to move more?  Who doesn’t need to clean up their diet?  When is the last time you prayed or meditated?  And let’s face it, who doesn’t like a chiropractic adjustment!

If you have an ailment that you are struggling to figure out, seek professional help.  It isn’t always clear even by the professionals, but by starting care, I do believe often times we find our answers.  It just usually isn’t as fast as we would like.  If you are not sure where to start, give our office a call!

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