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I am positive every single chiropractor deals with this on a daily basis.  It is extremely common, and the term is used often – sometimes even incorrectly.  I often say to patients “it is a broad term to describe radiating leg pain.”  It gives us a clue the sciatic nerve is involved, but it doesn’t really tell us why the sciatic nerve is involved.  Here is a list of the most common causes (not in any specific order) we see of sciatica:

  • Overactive/tight muscles:  Often times, the main culprit is the piriformis (external rotator of the hip aka a butt muscle).  The right stretches can provide great relief.
  • Lumbar Disc Herniation/Bulge: To know if this is  the cause for sciatic pain, an MRI is required.  However, just because we can confirm a disc herniation or bulge does not mean that is the cause of the sciatic pain.  This is a big topic but is often one of the possible diagnosis for people with radiating leg pain.
  • Cyst: Much like the disc herniation, this too needs an MRI to confirm.  Often I suggest a surgical consult, but not everyone has surgery on them.  Sometimes the pain completely goes away with time or sometimes it stays at an annoying ache.
  • Subluxation:This is what chiropractors adjust.  Not sure what that is, click here to read a past blog on it.
  • Sprain/Strain: Sometimes trauma can cause this.
  • Arthritis:  Degenerative joint disease, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, a ‘bone spur’ or even the term ‘bone on bone’ can all cause this.

Less likely, although possible causes could include cancer or fracture.  If you are worried this could be you, check with your local Urgent Care for possible imaging.

Also, all 6 of these examples could be in combination.  Add in a poor diet, poor posture, little exercise, obesity, smoking, etc., and the problem magnifies. 

Not sure what to do next?  Or where to go?  Give our office a call and we will examine you and give you options that best suit you.  The sooner you find the problem, the sooner you will feel better!

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