Services & Techniques

Recently, we had our state conference in Sioux Falls.  We had over 100 chiropractors from our state in attendance.  It’s always great to see familiar faces and catch up.  As we all know, a lot can change in a year!  Here are a few take aways:

Dr. Robert Silverman spoke on nutrition and a big takeaway was how detrimental sugar is to our bodies.  It literally has a negative affect on everything.  It is far more than simply obesity.  It affects our cardiovascular health, our reproductive organs, is closely related to many different types of cancer, and even affects our central nervous system!  The list is far more extensive than this simple blog.  Dr. Silverman even shared that by simply consuming 300 calories of sugar, we decrease our immune system by 50% for up to two hours!  Often when we are sick or don’t feel well, we look to ADD something.  Perhaps it is medication or perhaps it is food or supplements, but do we ever look to REMOVE something?  (Let me be clear, I’m not perfect in this, but it certainly challenged me to be better.)

Another great point Dr. Silverman shared was his table of health.  We need 4 legs to stay upright in health:  Financial, Family/Social, Spiritual, and Individual/Wellness.  If we cannot afford health care, we likely will not be healthy.  If we don’t have a social connection pushing us to be healthy, we won’t be healthy.  If we don’t have a connection to a higher being, we won’t be healthy.  And lastly, our own bodies play a factor.  Did we have a severe accident that cannot be corrected? Sometimes the severity of that plays a huge factor!  Ask yourself where you can improve in these 4 legs of health.

Lastly, our brains are very much connected to our GI system.  What we feed our stomach feeds our brain and what we feed our brains affects our stomachs!

We had many great speakers, but Dr. Silverman’s presentation is what has hit home to me the most.

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